Thursday, October 13
Macy's called this morning, and left a message on the answering machine that they'd really like for me to come in for a job interview. Of course, I was still sleeping (day off from school for Yom Kippur), and when the phone rang I half wake up and suddenly I can hear everything; But I'm still technically asleep. So after the lady was done leaving her message, I immediately awoke and got up to call and arrange an interview. When I called her, she asked if I was eighteen and the story ended right there. You bet I was disappointed. I guess more high-quality stores like Macy's, rather than horrendous cheap shit like Sears, only hire adults. Come on, I look like an adult and sound like a fucking middle-aged man, cut me some slack here. But what I just said is immature. Whatever, man. And right now, while my mom is buying groceries and dinner at Shop Rite, is picking me up an application. I heard the pay isn't half bad and that they might hire minors. And plus, I know some people who work there.

T.J. Maxx never called yet, which really doesn't make sense. Then again, they could've been lying motherfuckers like the majority of this universe. The store opens on October 30th, so maybe they're just calling people later. Highly doubt it, though.

There's been soot, or this weird black stuff that you could see on the piece of cloth when you're cleaning something, that's been being disposed from some kind of unknown source in our house. For instance, when I cleaned the dining table with Windex, the part of the rag that touched the surface was stained completely black. The thing is, you can't tell that all this soot, or whatever the hell it is, is on the surface of something until you clean it. My mother's been going nuts on trying to find out where it's coming from and why, and we're both guessing that there's something wrong with the heating system or that the chimney needs to be cleaned, even if we never use the fireplace. It's sort of worrying me because who knows how long we've been breathing in this stuff, and when I blew my nose today the tissue was black. So that's pretty bad. I hope it isn't too much of a health hazard.

Last night I was watching Jay Leno, and he was talking about how Boy George was recently arrested for finding cocaine in his apartment. He then said, "It's also illegal to wear white powder under your nose after Labor Day." I fucking laughed my ass off. I don't know why everyone hates Jay so much, but his show is fucking funny in my opinion. And what's funnier than watching his chin grow every second? It grows faster than Axl Rose can run a marathon these days.

Christina N. @ 5:31 PM