Saturday, October 1
I am in some deep, deep, shit. Just an hour ago my mom finally looked at the mail and found a letter from the school, saying that I've been unprepared for gym class twice already - and on the third time I'd get a Saturday detention. She takes this shit seriously to no fucking end. She asked why I did this and I say because I'm on my period and I don't want to be lying around outside on my back, in sweatpants with an extreme risk of leakage. But of course, it was a half-truth. I almost thought I was going to get away with one menacing holler, but then she got this serious authority look on her face and sternly said, "You'll see how I'm going to punish you."
Fucking sucks, because we had just gone shopping hours before this happened and she paid for new jeans and two new shirts. And we're supposed to go hang out at Greenwich Village in NYC all day this Tuesday.
And she said that I could only get/keep a job is to do be doing alright in the education system. Jesus fucking Christ, I'm going to grow a new wrinkle in my forehead from this.
Just when my life is flying high, I get a fucking Osama-wannabe on my plane. Told you I have the Al Bundy curse.
What sucks even more, is that I was thinking of looking through the pile of mail before she got her hands on it. Letters that say you don't change for physical education is a fucking waste of tree, I already knew their penalty for it. And do they really think most parents would care? Mine happen to, and mine ass might happen to be kicked in by three feet before next week. Not sure if I'll learn something though, I'm a repeat offender. My head's as hard as Judge Judy's unbirthed tits.
In other news, I'm guaranteed 100% keeping one shirt that I paid for myself. Finally got an fcuk shirt because it fucking has the word "fuck" in it. There were about three different phrases that I had to choose from, but the staring clerk and the white lights were intimidating me and I made a quick and bad decision by getting the one that says "lucky fcuk" instead of the "cool as fcuk" one. That's right, materialistic and self-centered 'tis I.