Friday, September 23
I really loathe telephones. Telephones of all kinds - cell phones, push-button phones, turn-dial phones, moose phones, wall phones, table phones - they all could go suck an ass. But unfortunately, I have to make a phone call today on super secret important business. That's right, super secret important business. And if the person is not home or taking a crap, then I really really despise phones. It's my fault that I call at the wrong time, but still, it fucking wastes my time to wait for them to wipe their ass or whatever, and plus it doesn't feel really intimate; Even in the most pointless of situations. Just isn't right. But if you want to hire a hooker and are too embarassed to showcase the fact that you look like an ass, then I perfectly understand why you used a telephone.

Bam Margera?

Christina N. @ 4:43 PM