Sunday, August 21
Just some random pictures from July and Florida uploaded by Jeannie's camera because I'm like Regis Philbin with cameras and cellphones. He claims he doesn't need them so he doesn't own them, and just bothers other people to use theirs'. They're quite large being that they're not really my pictures and therefore I don't really have the authority to resize and/or tilt them and re-upload them myself.
The mexican negro Kevin Bacon, mini size.
My mother's demented pleach blossom tree,
Taken by yours truly
You fucktarded cunt pee
Sibling and my cousin Branda covering her face. I don't get it because that bag is uglier than her face.GUESS THE OBJECT!Also taken by me. Because only I would take pictures of something like that.onetwothreefourfiveGuess right and you win the fact that you guessed it right and the feeling inside of being right because you got my assurance that your answer was right.
My pop pop mowing the lawn. He moves kind of fast and I was inside the house upstairs, that's why the picture is so shitty.
Stonemowing.Some vacation stuff taken by the owner of the camera, which explains the lack of the other nine people who went along on the trip also.
A giant Betty Crocker dome cake filled with ice cream that they keep advertising on TV.
All aboard on the gay festival transport!
Branda being friendly with Dino. And don't give me that Edward Scissorhands bullshit because I've heard it enough and laughed already.
The Morocco section of the World Showcase in Epcot, Disney World. Quite cool.
Branda's dad trespassing over forbidden boundaries for a crappy pose.
Japan section of the World Showcase.
Branda giving us an absolutely easy breezy beautiful Cover Girl-esque smile and holding up the most divine and classy Mickey Mouse napkin.
We met up with gay festival bus right by the Mexico section, where I made my mom buy me a margarita.
Italy was fucking gorgeous. I didn't get to go in though, because everyone was split up and me and my folks had to rush to catch up with everyone else so we just walked by everything.
Germany or Norway, I recall. Or maybe Norway because there's no beer being passed around. Nah, it's Germany. They just drank it all.
Ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico. I don't care if this isn't in order.
I thought the bowhead (is that what that fucking thing in the front is called?) was a llama attempting to fly.
Would've been a nice idea (and an inspiration for me to want to walk in) if they handed out fortune cookies. Which they didn't. Cheap fucktards.
Mulan ain't chinese!
MGM Studios. Too bad they didn't give out free rabbits under that hat. I would've cooked one for a nice dinner and kept the other one for dinner the next day.
Tower of Terror. Now this really surprised me. I never expected this shit to be as fucking frightful as it turned out to be. You fall spontaneously up and down thirteen stories with doors randomly opening (as is happening here), looking as if you're going to fall out of the damn building. My eating buddy Leslie and I held hands like a couple of pussies, and after the ride at where your ride picture is previewed on the screens, we looked like two lesbians in the corner. She was screaming like crazy and being christened with such a deep voice, I can't scream. I just smile [in pain] like an ass. For example,

But my lower set of teeth were showing and my eyes were shut. Imagine him happily constipated.