Wednesday, August 31
Whenever in the future somebody asks me what my favorite band is, I honestly would not know what to say. I used to be one of those types who go from extreme phase to phase, currently deeply obsessing over a certain band. I've gone from Nine Inch Nails to Nirvana to Led Zeppelin to Guns n' Roses, Skid Row, etc. etc. and a bunch of other shit that I've probably forgotten by now. And the only bands that I randomly refer back to are often Zeppelin, Bowie, and the Stones, only to after a day or two, go back to nothing. I used to say to someone, after asking them what their favorite band is and getting an answer of "I don't know, I can't decide" or something like that, I would say, "How could you not have a favorite band? There's so many out there, man" and scoff at them.
And that is exactly where I have to contradict myself at present. There are too many that I love. I can't listen to an entire band's resume all the way through for day after day on end for too long a period anymore, unless I have thoroughly cleared my mind of every stressor in the world, laid down, and genuinely just listen to their records in the dark. But then after that single night, I'd be like "Fuck, I'm fucking sick of this band." At this very moment, if you were to ask me what my favorite artist is, I'd be lingering between David Bowie and the Rolling Stones. I seriously, seriously, cannot decide. I'll just have to see further down the road if David Bowie and the Stones still always come back to me, then they probably might as well be my favorites after all.
It astonishes me at how much of a Ledhead I used to be. Oh Jesus Christ, I fucking lived and breathed Zeppelin almost. Playing their records all fucking day long, reading books about them, and while listening to their records all day long, I would look at pictures of the members online or anywhere. Especially Jimmy. My goodness, what a piece of ass I thought he was. I mean, yes he is, but right now I think he was too skinny and bony, which he was. Nothing to grab onto. He's fucking even skinnier than I am. That wouldn't work out.
Aaaand that's it. If you haven't already noticed, I'm going through a dryspell. My entries have very clearly sucked lately.