Sunday, July 10
I got so bored that I started playing video games again. Video games as in bad-quality old-school Sony Playstation. Of course I played the only video game that would never bore me no matter what: South Park Rally. It's so fucking hilarious with its fart sounds and things coming out of the characters' asses and whatnot. But then I really sucked from lack of play for a few years and got frustrated so I quit.

Last week or sometime earlier this week, I was watching Cablevision's version of the TV Guide Channel because we only have fucking basic cable and on one of the channels they were airing Jaws: The Revenge. But my eyesight fucked up on me so when I first saw it I read it as Jews: The Revenge. And through my mind I was thinking, "Boy, what an interesting movie, I might check it." So then I read it again to make sure, and turns out my hopes were destroyed for some decent television.

My birthday is on Wednesday. So far it sounds like nothing is going to happen. I'm not really surprised. Anything is good at this point as long as my mother isn't menstruating.

Christina N. @ 5:28 PM