Tuesday, July 5
I'm trying to go to bed but then I keep remembering the outtakes in Spinal Tap, especially when Nigel is making his little skull ornament on his belt or beltloop I forgot, talk to Mr. DiBergi. The only thing annoying was that I couldn't hear what anybody was saying and had to turn the volume up. But then came the concert parts and it would be really fucking loud and would annoy everybody else in the house. I want to go buy a used copy from Blockbuster but apparently my mom is too cheap to take me there. Too cheap to rent movies? That's because we're asian. But of course I could just walk there as an alternate solution.
Something else that is making me incapable of lying down is when I said my final goodbyes to Shaina for the night, this weird smell started wafting in through the window all of a sudden. At first I thought it was ham but then the scent got stronger. There was a skunk outside. I started to panic in my mind and frantically kept asking myself questions on what to do, what to do, what the fuck to do? Close the window? No, my room would get steamy hot with its lack of air conditioner and fan; and the smell that already wafted in would stay in. Close the window and open my door? No fucking way, spiders crawl in, it's creepy, and in the morning or afternoon when I'm still sleeping, everybody makes noise and turns on all their Nickelodeons and stupid kitty shit like that. Leave the window open and just go to sleep? No, it's the kind of smell that would make me shit my bed as opposed to a little child wetting the bed. That's pretty hard to clean up. Much easier than menstrual blood or anybody else's pee.
I was just watching Jimmy Kimmel tonight and Billy Idol was on. I swore he was not wearing any underwear at all and his balls were hanging out under those tight ass leather pants; he was sitting with his legs wide open. And then when he performed outside, he wore this hideous black flag thing that was hanging on the back of his ass like in that movie The Road Warrior. What also sucked was that they immediately cut off to the guitar player humping the speaker in the back when Billy was wiggling his body all sex-like.
The Road Warrior reminds me of when Sebastian Bach said the little kid in that movie looked like a mini Ted Nugent.
And then I watched Conan O'Brien, who had Gene Wilder as his special guest. Gene was wearing a bright, bright sky blue hoodie and faded blue pajama pants(?). If the current Robert Plant cut his hair and burnt some of the remnants off, you wouldn't be able to tell the two apart. Only if they have a sing-off singing the oompa loompa song, you would be able to tell which is which.