Wednesday, July 27
It's been such a long time since I've rambled. And to be honest, I don't know where my mind has been; if there is anything for it to be in the first place. Like I've said, all I do is stay home and go out once a week, usually with my mom. I find nothing wrong with it. It's true that she's a speedy talker and a speedy task-doer, and I the exact opposite - more of the bohemian style of, being slow. Taking my time and not act like I'm a Starbucks fiend. I think the thing that makes us get along is that we think just as quickly as one another, but the faulty part of that is that we express things in a different speed and/or style. I fucking swear, my mom should have a talk show. She talks so fucking much, so fucking fast, so fucking energetic, and she ain't talking about stupid shit either. The crap she says is well thought out. But the thing is, due to her fast intake and outtake of things, she forgets things very easily.
I, on the otherhand, believe that I have more of a spectular memory. With the exception of my rambles or shit that I say. I could remember things that I see and what people say word by word, in person, but if it's me saying something or something beyond those lines, just forget it. Shaina always shows me the weird crap I say online, and I could barely even recall that I even said that, and sometimes even forgetting what it meant or what's behind it.
I think my rag is coming soon. I feel some bloating and sensitivity coming on. Oh man, that's fucking lame. I don't want to be a pussyfuss with red shit bleeding out of her ass at the same time with a face oily enough to cook my lunch. But then again I could be completely wrong. Who the hell knows.
The Kids in the Hall was airing this morning at 2:00. It's so ridiculous but I just laugh my ass off. I kept remembering the guy who kept saying, "Must've slipped my mind." It sounds so much like me. No wonder my mom is always yelling at me.
Cousins are coming on Friday for three weeks so I might not be around. So now you're all free to post death threats for me to get back to, gossip and whatnot, party harty.
This was the worst attempt at ranting. I fucking hate when I run out of ideas or motivation and come out looking like a devoted Xanga user.