Friday, July 8

'Tis true indeed, 'tis very true indeed. I was watching David Lee Roth's video for "Yankee Rose," and I would have to say that it is one of the greatest videos/performances ever. I laugh my fucking ass off at every goddamn second of it but at the same it's so fucking great. The tacky spandex and hairy chests/heads, Dave's ass hanging out, the drummer-whom-I-don't-know-his-name's crazy mullet, Billy Sheehan's blindingly white platinum blonde locks, and Steve Vai's scary tongue and weird dancing. I should add the weird dancing to Dave too but he's got enough factors about his weirdness that I thought this one should be left out.
On Wednesday when I was over at Lauren's house I made her turn the television to VH1 Classic, because I had such a fucking need to watch that channel since I hadn't seen it in years. There was this little cheesy little pussy man with dark curly hair and an acoustic guitar that looked a lot like that famous painting guy who used to have an instructional art show on TV. We kept going on about how much of a wimpy puss he was and seriously could not think of his name. And then the video was about to end. It was Cat Stevens.
The following image is quite hideous.