Thursday, June 16
I just realized, that my birthday is in less than a month away. And quite frankly, I don't really give a fuck. No sweet sixteen party for me. No friends, no cake, no booze. However, I think my parents are getting me a necklace and/or iPod or something like that, finally an iPod at last. That's good enough for me, there's nothing great about being sixteen having to think about
work. No one would come to any party that I host anyway. I can't even keep a conversation going, let alone a fucking party.
And if anyone is the least bit kind enough, I would like these shirts. The first one in size large because it's a women's shirt and the others size small because they're men's shirts. Call me a bitch but my mother prohibits me from purchasing such clothing with such sayings on them myself. But if someone else got them for me, she can't do anything about it so therefore I could keep it.

This last one is just for kicks. I would sit in front of the mirror for hours every day, laughing my ass off at how ridiculous it is.