Tuesday, June 28
The doctor's appointment turned out much better than I thought it would. I was feeling a bit nauseous for the first time in my entire life from stress/fear. Usually after the whole thing is over my mom would yell the shit out of me for not speaking up about any problems that I had, and she screams like Al Pacino. Like the way he scolded Keanu in The Devil's Advocate. Scary shit, man.

There was no changing of clothes into paper towel robes or peeing cups or vagina inspections or anything. Just poking around with that funky hammer and a bunch of questions. And the doctor was hot hot hot.

On the way to the supermarket afterwards we passed by some large beautiful houses and my mom was teasing the sibling, "Do good in school and become a doctor, so you could someday buy one of those houses to live in and hire puerto rican girls to clean it for you." This woman needs to be taken under control and whipped until she's got anaconda-like scars on her back. Hey I've got to admit that I have a foul mouth like her too but I'm no racist. She was just kidding anyway.

Christina N. @ 4:34 PM