Monday, June 20
So yesterday at the barbecue I asked Jeannie if I could borrow her digital camera. I have come to the conclusion that I am the shittiest photographer on this earth next to that guy who shot Jessica Simpson's new video. It is apparent that everybody doesn't use every single picture that they take and posts them. The ones that aren't here show how much I gained some skittles. I'll take pictures of crap to entertain myself later on. You must see how disgusting the trashcan in the bathroom is. But that's for another time, like I said.

I told you I suck. Those jeans don't fit quite right so sometimes they fold up and make me look like I have a penis. This takes place in the parents' room where my grandma currently occupies for the time being.

I'm guessing it's about 4 inches long.

More like 5.

Double the mint, double the pleasure. Eat Doublemint Gum!

There's a wall in my house that is completely covered in mirrors. Having put on a bit of flab, it goes directly to my legs making them look shorter, so I look shorter than I actually am. And my grandparents tend to hang towels in odd places. My mom likes to leave her shoes in the middle of the road and in the hallway.

My grandmother uses horrid looking blankets and sheets that don't match at all, whatsoever. However, I do like the marshmallow-shaped bedside lamps.

She left this scary looking heating pad on the bed.

Fucking ugly. Nobody pairs puke-tan with reddish-white flowers on a blanket. And I just got that Stones shirt on Friday.

This is what I look like when I'm about to masturbate.

Bigger lips would make a knarlier sneer. But unfortunately, I'm asian.

It is a gorgeous day oustide of my window but my mom didn't let me walk to Dunkin' Donuts. So therfore I am stuck inside. I never go out of the house except for school and to eat. Today was the last day, by the way. So I'll only go outside to eat from now until September. Had I not told you that this is what it looks like outside my window, you would've thought it was green mush that comes out of a vegetarian baby's ass.

I am telling you computer illiterates, do not buy this piece of shit.

Even though my milkshake isn't better than yours, my television set sure is.

And so are my leopard-print sheets.