Friday, June 24
It's funny just sitting in my room at night doing nothing and listening to the plucking/echo sound of bugs flying directly into the screened window thinking that it was open.
My grandma just walked into my room while I was reading and just picked up my guitar, telling me of back in the old country when she and her family would make guitar strings and sell them to people. She even knew how to play but nowadays she could only hold a guitar correctly but not know any chords.
Doesn't it suck to oversleep, especially when the next night you're supposed to stay up even later than before to watch Denis Leary on late night television? That fucking sucks balls, man. I'm fucking tired at ten o'clock in the evening. Most all-nighter party goers at this time haven't even had an erection yet.
Now I don't think anybody really cares about this but I took pictures of the house because it looks cool. It could also be a good reference for when I'm older and living in the only hut in Italy that has internet access.

The front door, my mom put together all flower arrangements that are forthcoming. Whenever I look at this picture, I think of that movie Backyard Sluts IXX.

What the fuck do you think this is? Sorry that the boss-man hasn't cut the grass yet. It makes the house drop down from full potential of looking cool.

The other half of the front of the house. We have a rather large driveway, which made for a much larger chance of me falling and scraping my ass as a child while roller skating or practicing to ride a bike, which I never did.

Our house looks very clean.

The fire hydrant doesn't. The single nozzle that it has is red, on the overall yellow of the hydrant and therefore looks like a boob. Too bad I didn't get a better shot. Walking out of the house with a camera sends my nosy neighbors straight to their windows to fill their nosy curiosity.

The back of the house, could also be called the ass of the house.

The left ass cheek.

Moe of the Three Stooges' shrunken head.

Inside of the garage is my mother's car. I could imagine myself washing it while wearing a string bikini for an amateur porno in the near future.

After waxing it (the car, not me), I decided to take a break with vanilla oreos and water on the quintessential lawn chair.

The creature
Mommius uv christinius slumbers peacefully in its lair.

The shit chamber.

You could see me tripping backwards on the bathtub while trying to take this picture. That explains for the blurriness.

Dining room at night. The door goes to the garage.

I punched those holes in the wall myself.

Where many have severed off their fingers while chopping carrots.

The red sofa doesn't belong there but we had to bring it upstairs because it was decaying from mold as it was situated in the basement. The old white sofa was left in the yard to be thieved.

Fireplace where we throw babies into the embers for dodgeball practice.

Entry way with the mirrored wall on the left, along with another entrance to the kitchen.

Turning right is the hallway.There was probably somebody's ass mooning me in the room in the back.

'Twas the sibling's room where the granny currently occupies.

Make a right past the then-closed parents' room which the sibling was sleeping in instead and it's my realm of doom.