Friday, June 17
Goddamn, I'm so angry. I spend an entire day eating good food and power-shopping, only to finally sit and relax to find out that after reviving for a short while, my favorite television show is being cancelled for good. After so many months of abhorrance of mainstream television and finally finding a light in the darkness of poo, they flick it off right before it could even shine. Does ABC not want us to laugh anymore? No wait, fuck that. America doesn't laugh. Even if the show airs on 8:30 on Friday nights, it's #82 on the charts. America is fucking dumb. And they watch old reruns of Fear Factor? Come on, a Phil Collins Christmas special is more exciting than that.
That's right, I'm talking about Complete Savages. I've never laughed so hard while watching TV since the old days of Friends. And I'm not talking about some giggle that flushes your face. I'm talking about lean-back South Park canadian split-head type of a laugh. I look like this when I watch Complete Savages:

And I'm told that I have a curly-end Jack Nicholson kind of smile so it's lots of teeth and lots of nasty-person curling. But usually you can't tell because there is so much hair in the way. You see the ends of his mouth sort of curling like the Joker who he rightfully portrayed in the Batman movie? Well me and Jack share that same trait.