Friday, June 24
We just hopped into the car and drove 300 meters down the street to Blockbuster. It takes less time to get to Blockbuster from our house than it does to put mayonnaise on your four-year-old sibling's sandwich. The even more depressing thing is, we like to yell out at our TV sets for not showing the things we want to watch. But anyway, I planned on renting This is Spinal Tap and Natural Born Killers. Spinal Tap they had, but all the good sensed fuckers rented every single copy of Natural Born Killers. And American History X was all gone too. I was heartbroken. No fix of Woody Harrelson fucking Juliette Lewis or any Edward Norton in the next week for me, nosiree. I think I could've gotten Full Metal Jacket, but my mother would've been furious with my taste for oozing guts and the slaughtering of our relatives.
I'm waiting for night to fall before watching Spinal Tap. Super loud. Super clean after showering. Super squeaky teeth from having been brushed, so that I could watch it all fucking night, over and over and fucking over continuously.
Denis Leary is going to be on Last Call with Carson Daly tonight, I am looking forward to that fix of sex on TV also. But not Carson, stupid toad stool whose head is too big for his body. He made a great mate for Tara Reid, being that her milk jugs are too big for her body. She should get into the dairy business where she'd be guaranteed to make billions as opposed to struggling with such failuristic movie roles; Whilst he should get into the Huntington Furniture Company: foot stool division. He could make molds of himself to be casted into stools and then sold to millions of stool-hungry homes in America. And maybe even the world.
Gloria, Monica's older sister, instant messaged me last night asking for about two song requests for Monica's sweet sixteen party tomorrow. I chose "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats and "Let's Dance" by David Bowie. I didn't want to choose Motley Crue or any cherry pie, being that just about everybody there has the complete opposite taste in tunes as I do, so I chose some more, let's say, "christian-friendly" songs. Her parents are quite the strict traditional and there is this one girl who was invited that is an overt christian. Gloria knew about my opposition to such religious intent of this girl, this girl who includes god in just about everything she says - he makes this, he makes that, he makes people do this, he makes this go that way, without any common sense at all; She lacks practically any reasonable sense in my mind. Except that she is quite a nice, polite person but I could never talk to her for too long. I used to clash with her in freshman year all the time, when I would be talking to my friend at lunch and then she would come with her friends and therefore ruin the rest of my lunch period. But I'll try to not cause a raucous in arguing about these things, it's Monica's day after all, not Christina's Day to Put Some Sense Into Extreme Christians.
Gloria even told me to be on good behavior. How funny. As opposed to the other person mentioned, I admire Gloria because she has good common sense and is actually fair to everyone, which was why she asked me for some songs that I liked. Unlike me though, I'm a total assfuck.