Saturday, June 18
My lower sides hurt, and I don't know why. I think it's from holding my piss in for too long last night. I fucking hate it when I'm sleeping and I'm so comfortable, and then I get that feeling, half awake, telling me that I need to go take a piss. Which means I have to get up into the cold air of the night away from the warm covers, open the creakiest door of the house [which is my room], walk through the darkness that could yield who-knows-how-many house centipedes, blind my fucking self by turning the bathroom light on, and sitting for five minutes because there is a tank-full of piss in my bladder. Not fucking worth it, in my opinion.
This would be a good time to have a penis. Because I could just put a bucket in my room, sit up on my bed, and aim away. It's not even that much noise, anyway. I could put like a layer of paper towels or sponges or something on the bottom to muffle out the trickling sound. Pure genius, whoever made up penises. And then in the morning I would clean out the bucket. It's an easy job, as compared to cleaning poop out of a bucket.
Come on, give me a fucking kidney stone if you want. I would rather sleep comfortably.
Today I watched my Zeppelin DVD for the first time in so long. And I'll admit, while watching Jimmy's performance of "White Summer," I fucking cried. It was only one tear, but that's something. I started loving the damn bastard all over again. The thing that really annoyed me, was the extras in the first disc. They keep on playing the same two songs, "Dazed and Confused" and "Communication Breakdown," over and over, just in different places. I got so fucking irritated that I started looking through clothing catalogues and glancing up to look at the band's sex appeal, while trying not to listen to the music. Had I put it on mute, I wouldn't have known which sex-filled part was coming up. Damn right, I know my music and videos that well, fucker.