Sunday, May 15

David Bowie has such a great ass for his age. He must botox it every three days or something. No but I doubt it because he is David Bowie, close to god, after all.

Speaking of inserting things in asses, I was watching Howard Stern last night and they had porn star Tabitha Stevens on. She's starting a new film and for preparation she wants the inside of her ass, yeah, not on her ass, in her ass, bleached. She bleaches her ass. And so they have this fat guy, I forgot his name, put rubber gloves on and rubbed bleach onto her anus. I fucking cracked up. Get it? Cracked up? Holy shit I am lame.

Speaking of David Bowie, I also saw him on Music Choice. I know it's a quite out-of-date performance, but nevertheless was it good. I think it's the same performance as the ass above.

Christina N. @ 1:28 PM