Thursday, May 26
It's annoying when Lauren keeps mentioning how sad I look all the time. Damn, don't give me that sappy pity bullshit. It's just the way I look when I'm bored. Bored in school, is that so rare? Is that so weird? And the fact that I'm asian and that I have a fat face and that I lack Rolling Stones tickets. And the fact that I cannot find out about Axl Rose's whereabouts so I can make fun of him. Mention my morose face once again and you'll get the shit kicked in so deep in your face that it becomes one giant pore.
The french teacher was giving me such a hard time today. Last night I had no time to study for this double essay test coming up in history next class, so I had the history textbook open on my desk in hopes of studying while she wasn't looking, but she was indeed prancing around everyone's business and I was just looking around trying to look like I was doing the french work. She comes to me, shoves my binder over, takes the book, and shuts it, saying that I shouldn't be reading it right now. The rudeness of that woman. I got my french shit done anyway. And another time she asked me if I had my already overdue dialogue done. I said I didn't and she blabbered on how it's worth a quiz grade but I didn't hear most of it. It was a very long blab. All I remember is her mouth moving and me looking at her and thinking how much of both of our time she's wasting because I'm not going to do it anyway.
I used to like Led Zeppelin a lot. A lot, man. A fucking hell of a lot. I wonder what happened. Right now whenever I hear a tune, I'm just so fucking tired of it. I guess I just totally outplayed them when I was a huge fanatic. But that doesn't make them a shitty band. Of course it doesn't. There are a few moments, well actually one recent one that I recall, when I was listening to "Heartbreaker" and was just fucking amazed and astonished at how fucking talented they are, listening intently to every single instrument and note. And most other times I'm just like, "What the fuck man, I'm fucking tired of this boring redundant shit. I can't take it anymore." I've finally agreed with a number of people, I forget where but I remember some people saying it in magazines or radio or some shit - and these weren't fucktards - that Led Zeppelin is overplayed on the radio. It is true. At least play some other song besides "Misty Mountain Hop" or "Rock and Roll." Seriously.
I used to wear that one t-shirt of theirs that I have for about every two days with washing it only once a month, in fear of the design washing away. That's fucking nasty. I used to drool over Jimmy Page and seldom called him God just as a humorous figure of speech. I don't do either of those things anymore, really. The t-shirt is the oh-so-popular Swan Song logo that practically all wussies have gotten to overwearing and spending $18 at Hot Topic to wear with their store-bought ripped jeans. Come on, Christina Aguilera is more fashionable than them. Because going around nude even if you've got the body of a volcanic boulder is much better than wearing Hot Topic's overcharged plastic and vinyl un-sexy bondage pants that your dog could get caught in while walking it. Which I bet kiddie goths do. Yeah, I bet they walk their dogs instead of sacrificing them. They listen to their parents. Boo hoo they're so hardcore.
God, I hate "goths." Those who wear unattractive bondage pants, dye their hair black, who like A Nightmare Before Christmas, paint their nails black, wear too much powder, and are into the pirate thing. (Dance Dance Revolution too if they're a super dumbfuck) Yes, the pirate thing. Pirates fucking wreak of goose shit and Johnny Depp was fucking horrid looking in that movie of his. He looks like a brown paper bag and Bob Marley's pot-smelling weaves that went through a paper shredder glued to a fourteenth-hand arabian nightcap.
I heard today that DDR (Dance Dance Revolution, that japanese shit dance arcade game) students could now receive varsity jackets. Well I'll be damned, Christina Nguyen might as well receive a scholarship to Oxford for being the biggest lazy arrogant fucker in town.
Yeah, so back to the kiddie goths. They're the biggest pussies in the world next to new-generation asian boys and Axl Rose. Dumbest pieces of shit next to Gwar fans. I could beat any of those fucktards in a conversation about Nirvana any day, even if I just watched seventy-two hours of Teletubbies and the fact that I don't know anything about them beyond their Unplugged performance, naming their couple albums and the greatest hits thing. I virtually know nothing about them. I know as much about Nirvana as I do about trees. Trees are big, the trunks taste bad and they make paper. Dogs like to pee on them and hippies like to hump them. Yeah, I bet I could beat any of those fucks in an "intelligent" conversation about Slipknot too. They suck. They have nine band members. Under their masks they smell like my ass after five days without showering or wiping. I heard the guitarist is pretty good. And they wear jumpsuits. You think you're goth? Goth, my ass. Ruben Studdard kicks more ass than you. Mainly because he could just sit on you. With a fart it's a split second certain death.
Last weekend, the radio finally played David Bowie. And guess what, they play "Rebel Rebel." Big fucking gift. I'm surprised they didn't play "Ziggy Stardust." Although they're both great songs, but there's much more of his stuff that hasn't been heard enough. Fucking DJ's, they're nothing but pricks. And have you noticed that whenever there's a contest to win tickets or dinner with a band, and you have to be the so and so number caller to win them, they say the fucking phone number way too fucking fast and you're like, "What the fuck kind of phone number is 'Hawaii five-o-five-o- 90210??" Jeez, no wonder some weird geek in some little town that you've never heard of, who has the voice of a fucking beaver wins. They're the geeks who actually record the DJ saying the phone number, and replay the taping slower. That is how they fucking win.
These were Stones tickets too. The DJ/prick said the number so fast that I didn't even really notice that he was even fucking saying a phone number. He also said that if you're the tenth caller after hearing a pair of Rolling Stones songs, you win a pair of tickets for their upcoming tour. Well, I was in the fucking car for about a half hour or more (even when going home) I didn't hear a single goddamn Stones song. It doesn't help either if they're playing an eight-minute Neil Young song. Fucking dumbshit.
I hate radios. But in the car it won't play copied CD's and it's a good opportunity for me to be lazy and not have to pick a song every time one is over like on the computer. On the otherhand, well you know all the other shit that's wrong with it. Hate it. Fucking hate it, man. Commercials are the worst. They're always at least ten to fifteen minutes long, and by that time I switched to another station and when I get back to the first one I miss the first three minutes of a three minute and ten second song that I really fucking like.
They also play Jimi Hendrix too much. Waaaay too goddamn much. And that's an understatement. And it's always, always the same song. More like two, I could say. It's either "Foxy Lady" or "Fire." Jeez, I'm so sick of it that I'd rather seriously take a whole box of laxatives and spend the rest of my week on the can in a gas station. This is one of the reasons that I'm not entirely into Hendrix in the first place. In order to really like an artist you must listen to their other material, which sometimes contains even better stuff, rather than their biggest hits, which sometimes are just hits because they're catchy. Catchy is bad. I've had "You Can't Always Get What You Want" stuck in my head all week and it makes me sad. Because I
never get what I want.
Why haven't I dug in for some of his other material by myself? Because I'm too lazy. So you could just call a few of those past sentences bullhocky.