Monday, May 16
I am a very slow reader. I haven't finished either of the four books that I checked out about a month or two ago.
True story, what I am about to enlightn you with. This cult actually exists and is existing this very minute. Yes, cults believing in aliens and science fiction and the like. I will not enlighten you on details of the already mostly-dead Heaven's Gate cult, but another UFO cult that cracked me up upon reading a paragraph on them in the book on deadly cults that I am trying to finish. There should be a cult that believes and practices the practice of anal probing or the want of being the specimen in an anal probing procedure. That, I may be interested in.
"A group that has been in the news constantly because of its claims to have cloned a human being is the Raelians. The Raelians believe that mankind originated when a race of aliens called the Elohim visited Earth and created mankind in a laboratory. The founder of this group, a former journalist named Claude Vorilhon, who now goes by the name Rael, claims that aliens transported him onto a flying saucer in 1973, where he found that he had been selected to deliver the Elohimians' message about mankind's origins. The Elohimians told him that they will openly come to Earth and give mankind some very advanced technology, but only when there is world peace, and only after an embassy has been built for them in Jerusalem. By 2002, the Raelian movement had raised more than $7 million to build this embassy but as yet had not been able to acquire the Israeli government's approval to proceed with the building. If Israel doesn't agree to allow them to build the embassy by 2035, Rael warns, the Elohim will take away the protection they have been giving Israel from its neighbors."How ridiculous is that? People actually believe this, hence the $7 million they had raised. So this cult ain't no small group of goth kids in a basement practicing weird shit kind of cult. This is a serious cult with thousands of members from all over the world. And why is it deadly, hence it being in a book titled that? I am guessing it's because this group claims to have actually cloned humans in its laboratories, and you can use your imagination from there on. Crazy shit, I say, just crazy.