My ass has been hurting all day. Seriously. Jeez, on spring break, the week where you're supposed to be having sex and splooging everywhere while drunk off of your slutty ass, I get horrible ass pain which would definitely not help with any of the mentioned activities. Maybe it's because yesterday I was using my dad's computer, which has this god awfully uncomfortable chair that when I sit on it, it causes such a strain to my left asscheek I could just call myself insane for even continuing to sit on that fucking thing. No wonder he always has shit problems. He sits there for about three to even five hours every night editing stuff for his business.
Sitting on the floor is totally out of the question. Why? Because his office is in the basement, and along with basements comes these little critters:

And I surely wouldn't want one of those up my butt.
I just started reading one of the books from the library that I got about two weeks ago, called
Deadly Cults: The Crimes of True Believers. I have never been so captivated from the very start of a book since
Catch-22, or even earlier, which was before seventh grade. People could be so fucking crazy, and this book is quickly climbing up on my favorite books list. At the same time, in some parts, it scares the fucking shit out of me. Like the japanese cult, Aum Shinrikyo, who terrorized a japanese subway with containers of sarin that released lethal fumes into the air, killing seven people and hospitalizing 5,500 others. The part that scared me was, they were planning on terrorizing select places in the United States. I don't know, usually I am not the least bit intimidated by these things, but reading about such things in such depth has really gotten to me. And I'm only on page twenty-six so far.
The way that cults treat children is fucking horrendous also, could be more horrendous than Gwar, that's how fucking horrendous their treatment to children is. One child interviewed said that they got beaten five to six times - on a good day. Another cult electrically shocked their children and even, as the leader calls it, a "blue-eyed monster," something that tortures a group of children in a darkened room.
On the subject of
Catch-22, that reminds me, in seventh grade when I read it for a book report, the book report wasn't supposed to be the written kind, but were were supposed to make a mobile with hanging items that symbolized elements of the book that we were reading. And for one of my ornaments I made a swastika, hung it on the top layer of my mobile, and my mobile happened to get hung in the front of the classroom, right in the center. No one complained a single bit, not even the teacher, who was even jewish himself. I found it pretty hilarious every time that I was in that classroom.