Friday, March 25
Ilona and I went to the mall today, such fucking good times, man. We hadn't seen each other in over a year and it felt like we'd been hanging out forever. We spent four hours there, going to Lord and Taylor, Cache, and Victoria's Secret trying on every single fucking pretty lacy fluffy thing in sight. And all we bought was a cheap holographic purse and a cheap imitation of Birkenstock sandals. We took some pictures of the dresses and lingerie with her cell phone. It's not really porn though. Sorry, boys.
She only sent me three back, so that's all I have for you to masturbate to.

What a HORRIBLE pose. I bent my torso in this weird way so I look semi-pregnant or I got some fucked up back problem. The other picture of me in this dress was so much better. But Miss Ilona was too lazy to send it. You can see her taking the picture in the background in the mirror. Lord and Taylor has the most amazing fitting rooms. Bigger than my room, sheesh.

Ilona looking sassy in a pink Barbie-esque cake gown. You can see me in the mirror with the black dress taking the picture.

Victoria's Secret fitting room. We only tried on lingerie tops and corsets. Thongs are out of the question. You can see her taking the picture of me again. We're horrible photographers.