Sunday, March 6
On the creation of the universe:
"In theory, there is no such thing as "before God". My take is that in the beginning, there was beer and Metal. Then Rob Halford created the universe."That's the greatest fucking thing I've heard all day. For some reason I take that so hilariously. I saw Rob on Uranium last night. And god, was it drop dead fucking boring. Thanks a lot Juliya, you've just made Judas fucking Priest boring. She's so fucking fake, no genuine personality. Just the bitchiest and crankiest most pain in the ass pussy out there, who's not even groupie worthy. She's up in the Axl league. I bet I could do a better job hosting that damn show than her on crack cocaine. Not to mention that I don't have love handles dripping over my pants like melting ice cream on an ice cream cone. Come on, that ice cream doesn't even have a dog standing under it with its tongue panting and drooling, waiting for the ice cream to drip into its mouth.
Jamey Jasta bores the living hell out of me too. Chris Jericho did an excellent job as host for Headbanger's Ball. I was sad to find out that it was only that one night. He, as opposed to Jamey, actually had some cool stories and other tidbits to tell. Everything he said was interesting, and it kept me watching and didn't flip to some other channel as I waited for a video that I actually liked. He knew a lot about the music and crap that was being played and added his own opinions and shit too. I think it was the longest time span that I ever watched that show. I think in that episode they aired part of Guns n' Roses' performance at The Ritz and some old Megadeth or Judas Priest too. It was a good night.
Yeah, and there's a new layout. No more neon and Motley Crue. It has downgraded to just Nikki Sixx, that fucking bitch.
I'm starting to become a Myspace addict. That's really not good. Anything to keep me away from LiveJournal is good, but not another website.