Friday, March 4
I'm listening to
Contraband for the first time in three months. Can you fucking believe that? For some reason, I never bother with my official CD's and I just drool all over and fucking overplay all my copied ones and MP3 files. It's like I can't be around anything that's really worth money. Maybe if I transfer the songs onto my computer, I'll listen to my official store-bought CDs' songs more often.
So today was pretty good. I've developed this new sleeping method in order to keep the volume in my hair after showering and washing it right before I go to bed. It sucks that my fucking head gets so oily and shit just from sweating or something on a pillow, so now I sleep with my head off the bed so I look like some retarded fucking vampire. Oh, the sacrifices I make to look good.
I did horrible on my geometry test. See, I thought I did good, but it turned out to be a 52%. And yesterday on some fucktard essay on
The Crucible the fucking teacher gave me a 60%. No one fucking told me it was a research paper, so I wrote all this bullshit that came from my own head. Man, I thought it was a good essay too. I was absent the day it was assigned, and my stupid dipshit classmates didn't tell me either when I asked about what was for homework. Even worse, my average for chemistry is a quarter-sized 25%. Score!
Yeah, like you care about that at all. But I just want to keep track of my fucktardery. You aren't in charge of this piece of LiveJournal shit, I am.
Neither of my shirts, Victoria's Secret or Jack Daniel's, have come in the mail yet. What the fuck are these postal dudes doing with my shit? I hope it's not like that episode in Seinfeld, where the guy takes Jerry's mother's fur coat and gives it to his own mother or whatever old woman to wear. Then Jerry sees the old woman wearing it at a department store walk into a fitting room cubicle thing. He says, "Hey, that's my mother's coat!" And the lady, from inside the underwear cubicle, says, "No it's not!" Oh man did I laugh. I fucking love watching Seinfeld. I just got into it recently though, and I wish I had a friend whom I can watch it all the fucking time with. While eating beef jerky and home-made brownies.
I'm starting to believe in the theory that if you eat a lot of bad food, you will break out. After break, and using this new acne cream shit to spread all over my fucking face, my face was clearing up pretty nicely. And at the end of this week, after eating twenty bags of chips, three hundred pieces of chocolate, etc. etc., not only have I reverted back to old habits that were once restricted from staying home with my mother, but my face is, well, reverting back to its old habits also.
I think I owe you kids an entry on when I went to see Conan O'Brien a few weeks ago. Well, you ain't getting one now because my fingers are starting to hurt.
I also owe you kids who wanted a personalized entry about you by Christina. I'd seriously do them right now, but if you haven't noticed, all of my entry subjects have absolutely nothing to do with the actual entry itself, so it's going to take a pretty fucking long time to find that entry. I don't even remember what month it was in.
This person on Myspace is selling some Velvet Revolver DVD. Some concert at Hammersmith, England. I don't know if it's a bootleg or something not released yet. Because I don't keep up with Velvet Revolver news. I'm thinking of buying a copy, I need some sex on screen that isn't literally porn. Because duh, I'm not allowed to do pretty much anything that's normal in America, so why the hell would I be allowed to watch porn? Oh boy, I crack myself up.
Especially at Metal Sludge. God, I love that place. I'm starting to spend too much time on that site. That's the reason I didn't post yesterday. I was busy writing stupid shit at a message board that's domineered by adult metalheads who have over fifty Metallica t-shirts from the actual concerts.
Wow, yesterday. The craziest fucking lunch happened. I don't really want to explain all of it right now because my left wrist is fucking killing me. But I will anyway, because like I've said before, I'm trying to someday be able to accomplish the longest journal entry known to the perverted online world.
Yes. So yesterday, I had just put my sweater back on after gym class, and B lunch hadn't ended yet. I decided to sit down on the side of the hallway, all alone, with my polka-dotted candy bag and used bottle of Propel water now filled with regular water. Natalia had just come from gym also and sat down across the hallway, so being the lonely whore I am, I joined her. For the remainder of the time I was too lazy to join some other folks who sat where I was at first. So Ferris starts oh god, you know what, I'm tired of typing this already. If I were to explain everything in the long, extremely detailed way that I always do, I think I really would write the longest journal entry known to the perverted internet world.
This one's too long anyway, no looking back and editing.