Wednesday, March 30
At Metal Sludge a long time ago, someone said it would be their dream to see Paul Stanley do the chicken dance. Well I made their wish come true.

So who's better at the dance of twats, Vince Neil, or Paul Stanley? You make the decision. Please leave a comment as your vote. And sorry about the lack of Vince's shot, he apparently has hidden all possible evidence. Oh, famous people, with all their money and shit. Being able to dig out everything that could possibly make them look the least bit like us common folk. Not that I ever did the chicken dance or anything. Never. Christina never does the chicken dance.
I'm serious.
In desktop publishing we had to make a magazine cover. It was due a month or something ago, and this is what I have done so far.

Yeah it sucks. But Keef Riff-Hard doesn't. Maybe the ghost of Brian Jones is cursing me, disabling my ability to make awesome magazine covers with Keef on the cover. Oh, you sly one!