Tuesday, March 1
Snow day today, I think it's the first one this year. Or maybe I'm mistaken. Whatever, it's not my job to keep track of this crap.

Motley Crue, supposedly, was on Daily Download today. And all we got was Vince. He said that Nikki and Mick are sick, and I couldn't really care less about Tommy because I never hear about him getting sick. Upon answering the question whether backstage of the new tour is as crazy as crazy they're notoriously known for, Vince denied it. As in denying that it's totally dead boring. Except for Tommy, he's not a married man. Vince is a bad liar. But whatever, I guess he's just protecting his bandmates.

I read, or watched, well something, a while ago that Vince apparently is the nicest Motley Crue member [once he's not drunk]. I agree. Mick I heard was a great guy too, but watching an interview sometime ago, ehh, Vince is more of a softy. Or pussy, shall I say.

As in for more Motley Crue TV appearances, they're closing the NYSE tomorrow at 4:00 on CNBC. I'm not surprised if there's going to be pyrotechnics and naked chicks swinging on ropes at the stock market.

For one thing, I'm not so happy with the direction the band is going in, musically. God, their new single is absolutely horrible. Nikki, that fucking cunt. He's pretty much the bossman of the group so I'm guessing it was his fucking idea to write songs with Simple Plan and choose Sum 41 as the opening act. Not to mention that he's a shitty actor. That part with the wings in the video for "If I Die Tomorrow," just that little bit makes me look like fucking Scarlet O'Hara compared to him. Tommy sucks too, he came off as looking emo. And you know how I look down upon that.

And I look very low upon that. Emo kids can just suck it. Just like I say about goth kids, why won't they just let us folks who are fucking tired of their fucking whining, let them go of their misery by testing out how a noose really works? It's a win/win situation. The emo fuck gets his wish of going to heaven or wherever the fuck he's going just to get heartbroken from that stupid bitch he writes about in his AIM profile, and I get to know how it feels like to kill such a useless piece of shit. See, conflict resolution class in seventh grade really helped after all.

Since it's probably Nikki that's making all these dumb decisions, you're probably wondering why he isn't on my pussy list. He's just an asshole, not a pussy. He's far from a pussy. He's literally up the backside, up between the asscrack. He went a little too far and missed the pussy.

Christina N. @ 10:51 PM