Wednesday, March 9
So I'm very relieved right now regarding my Ebay shirt. I just contacted the seller asking whether he sent it out or not yet, and got a reply within just a matter of about ten minutes. He says it takes 7-12, possibly even more days, for stuff from the UK to reach most US destinations. It's not even twelve business days yet, so it's all good and it should be coming real soon.

I also just ordered a copy of Guns n' Roses' performance at The Ritz in '88. I'm excited about that. In case any of you kids would like a copy, I'll be more than happy to burn you one. Just remind me whenever I declare its arrival. And wish that I'm not feeling like a lazy fuck.

This Motley Crue shirt might be in the process of my brain of ordering it too. I'm so fucking stuck in the eighties that I don't even find it funny anymore. Carrie pointed that out yesterday, and it's today that I finally admitted it.

Today wasn't so good. Horrible hair day, beyond other things. I might not be posting as much anymore, because the momma has gotten angry. I'm not against this new ruling either, for I agree on its purpose and I need to get the fuck back on track.

Christina N. @ 10:16 PM