Friday, February 11
God, I feel shitty. What's the fucking point of watching supermodels on Full Frontal Fashion while I fucking eat my ass off with Lays potato chips and rice cake? Even more upsetting is that dinner is in an hour and a half and the mother is going to be fucking pissed that I probably will be too full to eat all of my dinner and instead got full from junk food. Fuck you, it's comfort food. Comfort food for Christina is all food that tastes good. There's no point in the term "comfort food," because all food that we like makes us feel good. If we're eating something that we don't like, you might as well just call it shit and fucking deck the person in the face that is making you eat that shit, because they're shit too.
Eight hundred and twenty-four entries. This being the eight hundred and twenty-forth. Since the year of 2001. That's fucking amazing. But still not one thousand. I want to reach that goal before the end of this year. Which I probably will, because on LiveJournal it's already well over four hundred and I hadn't even been using that for a year yet. I'm thinking of dropping that fucking piece of Gwar shit anyway. I'd been neglecting my dear Blogger, just copying and pasting directly from the LiveJournal, as opposed to Blogger, who's served me well over these four years. I think I'll try to get the links for my archives. Then you could all laugh and ridicule me of how dumb and unflattering I was when I was younger. More like dumber and more unflattering than I already am right now.
Right now I'm kind of nervous. This morning in french class, I heard something that really disappointed me. But I'm barely even sure that it's true in the least bit.
So his other ex that's not in my geometyr class and her friend, who sit behind me in class, were talking about stuff. I was too busy staring at shit on the walls to listen to everything. But they always talk a lot and with a lot of volume so I heard some things here and there every so often. They were talking about Valentines' Day or some shit, and I didn't hear how he got into their conversation, and the ex's friend says that he's so cute. The ex then said something something blah blah I wasn't listening because I'm a stupid fuck, "He said, 'So do you want to go out for dinner sometime?'" That fucking struck me and I snapped out of stone-zone. And that's all that I can remember. But I think I heard something like that it was in the past, so it could just be nothing right now and I shouldn't have a fucking thing to worry about.
I fucking hate that class anyway. Those two girls aren't really my friends, but we get along just fine. The teacher annoys the shit out of me, and it's just the aura of complete loser-ness in the classroom, including the teacher, that I just can't fucking take. Luckily enough, yesterday I was called into guidance for scheduling and I'm not taking anymore languages. Thank you, my guidance counselor Mr. Naclerio.
I'm starting to really consider that I really have nothing to worry about at all, because after getting changed after gym class, I decided to go outside again and find someone to talk to, again. De ja vu? Sort of, but no words and no ice cream and no group of friends and lack of proper jeanswear. As I opened the door, he was walking towards it to go inside while I was going outside, and when he suddenly sees me and I suddenly see him, oh man, he looked pretty fucking surprised when he saw me. Kind of odd for him to look surprised, because he's one of those types that just look too fucking cool twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Like just too cool to even show emotion.
Today was tiring, last night I went to bed at around 11:30 and couldn't fall asleep until around midnight.
Just not in the mood to be funny right now. I'm turning into a fucking pussy. I'm fucking pulling an Axl.
Lunch was so fucking amusing though. Sat with Eric, Ferris, and Kristen, and all this crazy shit ensued. But you know what? I don't feel like fucking writing about it. Nor about my Conan O'Brien day. What fucking knocked me off was that I just read that my friend in California fucking saw JIMMY FUCKING PAGE and he smiled at her.