Monday, February 7
Ah, the weight on my shoulders that is tons of homework! I love not keeping my promises.
I had an absolutely horrible bad hair day. Strands in the front kept sticking up, and like one person said, they looked like devil horns. How humiliating. No matter how much fucking water I put on my head, it did nothing. Now I'm convinced that my hair isn't perfect anymore.
Last night I had an extremely hard time sleeping. It was either my outrageous hormones were getting in the way of my beauty sleep, or Conan O'Brien is taunting me until Wednesday.
Almost done reading
The Dirt. It is quite very good.
God, am I having writers' block.
Christina? Writers' block? Yes, it's true, you fucking read it and inscribed it into your mind.
Oh, and I think I'm starting to grow out of my leather jacket. It's starting too look pretty unproportional. But I'm too cheap to go buy. The folks probably won't buy me another one, because they'll complain that it'll still look exactly the same as the current one or that they really still hate that type of jacket even more. If they make a compromise, and if that compromise is for me to get a white one, I might as well wear a Winger t-shirt to school.
I am so oldfashioned. I like to buy the same clothes over and over, sometimes even multiple items of the same thing. I'd like to get the same leather jacket, and the same pair of sneakers. Both are falling apart. Actually only my shoes. Jacket is just shrinking. Or I'm growing. I even want another Swan Song t-shirt. But this time a girl shirt that isn't so insanely large. I ain't no fatass.
So excited for Wednesday. Here's the schedule.
-go to school until 11:00
-mom picks up
-lauren picks up from home in a few minutes
-drive to new york
-arrive at noon
-pick up our tickets
-eat at a fancy restaurant
-if there's any remaining time, go shopping
-show up for the taping at around 5:00 or so
-show ends at 6:30 or 7:00 or whatever the fuck
-try to get close enough to conan to pinch ass or mess up pompadour
-go home
-say hello to parents
-not be able to sleep for three hours considering the crazy day that just passed
-fall asleep
-dream about wayne newton
-wake up in middle of night horrified by such terror
-wake up at appropriate time
-wishes to repeat