Monday, February 14
Most people fucking despise Valentines' Day. As unlucky as I am, and as hopeless as I am, I kind of like this holiday despite my lack of male ass. People tend to think of the holiday from their perspective, which is mostly walking around with their chin on their chest and yelling the shit out of everyone because all they got was a Milky Way from their best friend. Others, even those who do have a partner, just think it's stupid. But I'm saying this about the first group of folks I was talking about, the future goths. Think of the folks that finally have a holiday devoted to them and their loved one, and how sweet it is to do something for them, whilst the whole country is in on it too, doing the same thing. Yeah, I'm pretty happy for them. Call me a fucking loser, but that's just my opinion.
You're probably curious if I had any luck at all today. No, not really. And I'm not surprised in the least bit. Or at least I think so. Oddly enough, he actually hung out with me this morning before school started. And he saw that I had with me the book of the author that he recommended to me before. I guess that sort of impressed him, being that his words actually meant something to me. Then it came to the time when all of us - Eric, me, him, and Jeremy, talked about what we were doing or did or got from our divine others. Jeremy said he'd get Eric a valentine tomorrow because he forgot today. Other than that, he's just, Jeremy. Eric got a Snoopy card from his girlfriend. I didn't add in my little tidbit, because there is nothing to say. Just saying "I'm lonely and no one fucking loves me" will just ruin the whole conversation and even if I do get pity, it won't do shit.
The dude said he was going to Banzai tonight. Banzai is that kick ass japanese sushi restaurant that I have yet to go to, one of those where you sit at a table and watch the chef cut some fingers off and quickly dip them in breadcrumbs to fry so you can't tell that it's a finger, and then throw it into your mouth with a knife. It's obvious he's going with a chick. The chick that I overheard talking about it to her friend on Friday. So it was true afterall. Oh well, I'll be just fine anyway. I can tell that he's not a committer, and neither am I. Quite frankly, I'm not really disappointed at all.
He and I talked about more of the author's books, and laughed at this dude across the hall, whom we all knew, I just don't know his name, who was giving flowers to this girl, yelling, "HERE, DANIELLE! I GOT YOU FLOWERS!!!!!" Oh man, it was so obnoxious and hilarious. Almost the saddest thing that I've ever seen next to Axl Rose.
What will disappoint me is if she talks about it very loudly again tomorrow in class. I think I'll have to bring a bag around to keep my CD player and shit in to keep my mind off of it. Perhaps some beer and vodka will do. And some Metallica and Van Halen. Van Halen is perfect for getting me in a good mood for some reason. Perhaps it's the vision of a blonde jewish man in neon spandex telling me to jump.
Alright, so that last paragraph clearly states that I am a little perturbed. But, like always, I'll be just fine in the long run. I'm just not as pissed as I always am, and I'm glad about that. Christina's growing up! Awwww.
The real chemistry teacher came back today from maternity leave. The class is still fucking boring. What's worse is that I still sit at the same fucking front table, but this time even closer to the teacher. Things can't get any worse. Oh no, they could. Because I sit at the end, next to the new kid whom everyone hates.
In desktop publishing, I was fucking bored as usual (surprise surprise!). Laura and I made an excuse to go around the school and take pictures of our friends for our magazine covers that we were working on. She was the only one who ended up taking pictures, because I don't have many friends. And plus, I don't want an unprofessional piece of shit amateur photo on my work anyway.
Lunch was funny. Eric kept trying to make me eat his cheddar Doritos in return for some of my cooler ranch Doritos. And it finally worked, because, I have no fucking idea. I'm not thinking straight today. He finally persuaded me to eat a part of a chip that was on the floor, five seconds after he bit some of it and dropped it by accident. Then he does all this crap with his Snapple can with the little koala on it, shaking it in my face, saying, "Look! It's dancing for you! It looooves you, and all you're doing is hating it. Stop turning it away! Don't you see how much it cares about you??" with the can about an inch away from my face. He makes me laugh. He even shoved the empty bag of Doritos in front of me saying, "Here, this is a sign of my love" with that funky look on his face. I say, "Giving me a Dorito bag is saying that you don't love me!"
He's the only enjoyment I get from school. And comes up with the greatest inside jokes.
That's about the hoochie coochie plaster dog I gave him. Don't worry Brenda, I'll be sure to make you a banner someday.
Get this, fuckers. I actually worked, and think I succeeded, on my
geometry test. I think besides the fact that I totally don't know shit about shit when it comes to all things mathematical, the methods that I tried in the test seemed like they made sense. Now I'll just have to wait until I get the damn results back. Which I highly doubt will be a very good grade at all.