Sunday, February 13
Yesterday was absolutely horrible. Except for talking to a semi-drunk Shaina on the phone and talking about a llama design that was printed on the carpet. I had to sit in a fucking living room, for six fucking hours, doing nothing but sitting around and watching TV. Six fucking hours. One room, bathroom also. Six fucking hours of nobody to talk to, nothing good to eat, and the bathroom fucking scares the shit out of me. Six hours could equal for up to about three movies to watch, but it was actually two movies and some lame shows that I watched. Shakespeare in Love is a pretty good movie after all, but I don't see how it got so much hype back in the day. And I forgot the other movie I watched.
I got a total of thirty dollars in chinese new year money. Not bad. Actually, it's a lot, being that I never really get money at all.
I was in such a bad mood while the parents said we were going home, but stay for another twenty fucking minutes standing and talking to their friends, whom they don't even really trust anymore, in the kitchen. Had to stand there, shuffling cards over and over and over for what seemed like three more hours. During the car ride home I was still fucking pissed. I don't think it's fair that they get to hang out with people whom they don't even rely on as much anymore, only went because it was mainly just polite to, and I have to fucking torture myself in solitude for that long. Even in school, I'm not as lonely as I am there. At least in school, there are people whom I can talk to and relate to, and the most that I ever really have to wait through boredom is an hour to an hour and a half, not six fucking hours of agony. And in school, they give us shit to do. At the party, not only is there nothing to do even if there are only adults around, there's nowhere even to fucking walk. In school I can say I'm going to the bathroom and instead just walk around the entire damn building for three times and laugh at people's surprised faces because they see a fucking person walking outside the door.