Wednesday, February 23
Edward Norton is too fucking awesome. I first fell in love with him, in some movie that I saw long ago. He kicked major black ass in 25th Hour, and in Death to Smoochy he's a fucking puss. But a brilliant fucking puss. Unlike Axl Rose. Oh man, just seeing him dancing in a purple or pink or whatever-the-fuck-colored rhino costume with Robin Williams in an Elton John Skittles jacket made my winter break complete. I think I've found my all-new favorite movie of all time. Sorry Kevin Bacon, Footloose is out.
So there was no big raffle drawing at the asian supermarket today, my mother read the wrong date. Oh well, my mom and sibling and I had a nice quiet peaceful time food shopping, with no weekend crowd and clogged midget buttholes. For some reason I take pleasure in other beings' pain. I was deeply fascinated at staring and poking a young tender eel in a tank that had part of its tail cut off, and you could see its flesh and bone sticking out. It was slowly spinning in pain. There was another styrofoam tank lying on the floor next to the aquarium-looking ones that the half-eel was in, about ten or so on the bottom of the tank with only about four inches tall of water. That may sound sad for you weak kids, but I like to kick the tanks and watch them squirm within their two millimeter room of space. I like to slap crabs too with my hand, and watch them flicker and shit after taking my hand back in a split second. Ah, those claws are nasty looking, aren't they?
At another supermarket a long time ago, there was a styrofoam tank with a big brown poopy fish in it. And just for kicks, I decided to kick the tank, and see the damn fish flap around in fear. But this time, it fucking jumped into the air, inches away from me. I was fucking exhilerated. I couldn't catch up to my mom and her shopping cart now. So what did I do? I kicked it again, of course. This time even harder. And the fish jumped a fucking two feet into the air. The greatest fucking thing that I have ever done to date.
Yes, I am that depressing.
Black Sabbath is good. Don't just listen to "Iron Man." Because that song sucks. Well actually it's a really excellent song, but listen to it enough and it almost becomes Gwar-like.
Oh man, while on the way to the supermarket in the car, I saw a dude driving a truck that looked just like John Bonham. He had the mustachio mustache and long hair. It was fucking awesome. Didn't tell my mom though, because not only does she hate my music, then how the fuck should she know who John Bonham is?
Last night I didn't catch Rufus Wainwright on Conan O'Brien. I guess I couldn't do it. I even missed the rerun today at 7:00. Shut the fuck up, this breaks my heart.