Tuesday, February 15
J.K. Rowling fucking sucks. Not only does Harry Potter suck, but she fucking sucks at making up indian names. Come on, He Who Must Not Be Named? Please, how about, He Who Must Have Balls Squeezed With Car Jack? Come to think of it, I hate her fans also. Those fucking fourteen, fifteen, even sixteen year olds that are into that shit need to grow up. All you hear them say is, "Haha, you're such a Neville Longbottom!" or "Spifficus, constipaticus!" or "Snape is soooo freakin' ugly! Mr. What'shisface our english teacher is so much like him." or "I think Daniel Radcliffe is hot." Shut the fuck up dumbfuck, Snape is hotter than you are. Because he looks like Trent Reznor.
Photoshop isn't working for some reason. The opening window configuration comes up, then suddenly stops and disappears. What a stupid piece of shit, but ImageReady works though. That thing doesn't do shit though.
Another Frederick's of Hollywood catalog came in the mail today. Marilyn Manson needs one of these:

I forgot where I heard this, but someone on TV said that after seeing his performance of "The Dope Show" on the VMA's a few years ago, they called his ass "chicken cutlets." Oh yeah, it was Gwen Stefani. Wouldn't it be nicer to just stick homemade pancakes in your panties? It gives off a nice scent, which equals to overruling your gaseous release valves. Sad thing is, if you finally get some luck the dude would start to wonder if his rocket has been landing onto Mrs. Butterworth.
What a lame entry. I'm starting to lose it.