Monday, February 28
I thank Teres for finding this picture of Jimmy Page and Jimmy Page's poppa.

"Come on, son! Let's go for a walk!"Has anybody else noticed that once turning old, you look extremely asian, runs in the Page family? Look at that. You seriously cannot tell that that little old man is european. Much less fucking british. For god's sake, Mr. Page Senior looks like the little Monopoly guy, Japan version. Just put a little pointy bamboo hat on his head and you got a little farmer dude. This is so fucking peculiar, I seriously cannot get over it.
Like I said, it definitely runs in the family. I mean, look at Jimmy Page now. Or shall I say, Jimmy Chan. Jackie Chan's uncle.

Awww, how cute!Is it possible that he looks more asian than me? Is it possible for anybody to look more asian than me? Well if Jimmy Page has reached that level of being more asian than me, then I'll darn skippy be damned. Seriously, I just cannot get over this. Two british men who look asian. Yeah, I understand latinos looking sort of asian, but purebreed britishmen? Wow. I'm just completely astonished. Maybe there's a chance that I'm related to Jimmy.
And to think he used to look like this next photograph.

Awww, it's the Jimmy we all know and love.Yeah, he's very old now. I should shut up.