Thursday, January 27
So this morning I found out that today is the beginning of several days flaming ovaries. Yippity doo dah! That shit does crazy things with my emotions. For some reason, I'm always in an extremely good mood, but just one thing that perturbs me for the tiniest bit, in less time it takes for someone to shoot an orange out of their ass, I fucking flip out. Only in my mind, I have yet still to pull a full-fledged Axl.

I was at a message board recently, and there was a topic that said during menstruation, one gets hornier. I can confirm that that is true.

Get ready for a tender moment. This crap is toying with my thinking also.

In art class I got bored so I decided to take a trip to the bathroom and take a walk afterwards. The parenting class was right next door, and they had mothers take in their young children, I'm guessing around age four or so, so that the students have a chance to take the child to do something and be graded on their behavior as an assignment. Well, one little boy had to go wash his hands, and his student babysitter was a girl so she took him into the girls room, where I was pimping myself in the mirror. And my god, was he a cute one. He had sort of a mushroom moptop hairdo and big eyes with a stubby little nose. It almost made me want to have children pretty soon. But then I was fucking terrifying myself, and even right now, thinking like that. Reality soon flashed in almost as fast as it had went away. I can't even take care of myself, and I fucking hate taking care of others, let alone my own egg with feet. Besides, my offspring would probably be as ugly as David Hasselhoff or some vermin like that. And hopefully not as hairy. I'd be spending two thousand dollars a year on waxing cream and razor refills.

Christina N. @ 7:58 PM