Sunday, January 9
Yeah, it's two hours and twenty-one minutes into Jimmy Page's birthday. I beat all you fuckers.
So I just got banned from a community because of saying that Nikki Sixx plays bass like a girl. That doesn't mean I like him any less. People need to cool down and take their Midol. Or more like special k in this case. I don't give a fuck if people take my humor too seriously, I'm not going to change it just to conform to everybody's weaknesses. But then again, I'm not going to hate that person for doing this to me. There's not much of a reason to. Or maybe it's just because I'm a fucking wuss. No, I doubt that. It's a fucking community anyway I could just go on some message board and fuck around there if I wanted to. Saying that I'm drunk won't un-ban me, that excuse just puts you into jail.
It annoys the shit out of me when in the middle of the night someone slams their door open to run to the bathroom, only to slam the bathroom door shut again. Sometimes they don't, and you can hear their piss trickling into the porcelain salad bowl.
My mom got an AAA bumper sticker in the mail. I wonder where I should stick it.
It's 2:31 in the morning, on Jimmy Page's birthday. What to do? I'd watch the Zeppelin DVD if I had a DVD player in my room. Not on the computer, because it freezes as often as forty-six year old football fanatics eat buffalo wings. I hope the rumors about Jimmy writing a book are true. Richard Cole's book was really quite good, but 90% is untrue, false bullshit. That really sucks, because now whatever crazy shit that I know about Led Zeppelin may not be true. But it is possible to tell what things were true and which aren't true.