Monday, January 3
Alright, so I'm feeling pretty guilty right now. I don't want to bother my mom, and she cares about my grades a lot. But who gives a fuck, I'm still not going to school tomorrow. That fucking french teacher pisses me off so badly, I'm not going. We're probably not gonna be doing shit in any class anyway. Stupid bitch, I was only tardy fucking once, and she gives me a fucking pink slip. Talk about painful menstruation problems. I think it was a few classes ago, that we were learning about food. The class was organizing certain foods into their foodgroups (i.e. dairy, vegetables, meat, etc.) and she tells us to put eggs in the dairy group. Everyone's like, "What????" And they say this continuously, the bitch teacher still doesn't tell us why. Then she finally says, almost yelling, "THEY'RE A DAIRY PRODUCT, THAT'S IT!" She even uses hand motions to tell us that that's final. Why the fuck are eggs a dairy product??? Please don't tell me that the white part is secrectly milk that cooks in a funky way. Jeez, it wouldn't hurt to cure our curiosity. We have a right to be curious about this issue too. Eggs are a dairy product? That's like asking if Slash is a white man.

There's a new layout if you haven't noticed already. Or in case you've missed the last two that I've made with this awesome new knowledge of using a scrollbox, bitch!

I've always wondered, what a cashmere sweater would feel like. But I got plent of granny chenille ones to make up for it.

So I went to a business fair today. It was gay. I can rhyme away, like a a cow eats hay.

Yeah, I can rhyme like a muthafuckin' g-ho.

That reminds me, I just watched a Michael Keaton movie called Gung Ho. It was funny shit.

It's not fun to be sitting in a chair long enough that your ass starts to get soggy and wet, like you shit yourself. Put period and gas into that mix, well, you've got yourself a pretty bad situation.

What's been on my mind lately is maybe I need a boyfriend. Wow, lame sentence right there. Ah well, maybe I don't. Or maybe I do. It pisses me off that a lot of guys, or girls, always go for the wrong girls, or guys. Think, assholes, think. Only to see them break up in horrible agony later on. Then I can laugh. But then I remain loveless. Jesus is very unfair to me. Why? Because I killed his fish.Anyway, he must look a lot, if not exactly, like this:

Okay, okay. Too much dreaming right there.

Excuse my dirty behavior, I almost typed "creaming" instead of "dreaming."

Christina N. @ 10:54 PM