Tuesday, January 25
I hate it when people fucking ruin my fun. For example, in an '80s metal community on LiveJournal there was all this controversy going on about religion, which had nothing to do with that community, that started pissing everyone off. But in the midst of all that lame bullshit me and some others start posting random irrelevant pictures just for the fucking hell of it. Then some puss comes around, rats all of us out to LJ Abuse and then becomes moderator, which there was none to begin with and which is part of the reason so much shit went on. Well, the new moderator set a list of rules for the first time in the goddamn place's history. One of which is no posting of rude pictures or anything that doesn't have to do with anything '80s metal. Well fucking hell, ain't that a darn-skippy fun place to have HARDXCORE FUN now??? Hardcore fun, my ass. The fucking place has now downgraded from cockrocking to cockblocking. This is part of the reason that I don't have much faith in LiveJournal anymore.
Also, there's a lot of fucking losers around here. None of which on my friends list except one stupid fuck, but this person is no longer active in LiveJournal and reverted to Xanga, the mother of all shits. The aforementioned community pretty much sucks now and there's nothing but PG-rated crap being said that bores the living hell out of me and isn't really worth reading. It's now pretty much the opposite of what the name of the goddamn place was. I'm not going to post a flame on there, because, pardon me for my incorrectness, "the post will be deleted immediately without the person's consent" or some bullshit like that, as was said in the rules.
The place is called "cockrockers" and everything that has been updated, or rather downgraded, is an absolute oxymoron of its own name. Isn't controversy and crazy shit what rock n' roll is all about? Guess it isn't like that there anymore. Be a puss. Be a party pooper. Be a condom wearer. I don't care. I think I've found my cure for LiveJournal. Hence the lack of an appopriate entry for the past three or so days.
I'm sorry my children, but the world's greatest threads ever were destroyed in that process. It so happens that I myself laughed my fucking ass off posting all those pictures, just imagine how hard other folks would crack up. What a fucking waste. All that hilarious crap is gone, vanished, caput. Thank you, I really appreciate it deep down in my heart.
So, you want a real update from the master of Axl dissing? Sorry honey, I'm not in the mood to.
Because I'm hungry.
Let's see. Sunday. I was sitting alone at the dining table eating dinner and as I was drinking water and was about to swallow it, my parents come in arguing about why the Ionic Breeze makes buzzing sounds when it's supposed to be silent. My mother claims that it is clean and that there is something wrong with it. As on the other hand, my father says it needs to be cleaned and that although it may look clean on the outside of the filter, the inside is a filthy fucking mess. They argue for a few minutes and my mother finally takes a look inside of the filter and sees that she is wrong, and says something like this in vietnamese, "Oh, my bad!" and walks off to the kitchen to clean it. My father, instead of hissing at her, continues on his way to filling his glasses with water at the water dispenser in a few steps, turns his back towards the direction in where she left, and rips this obnoxious fart. I swear, I was about to sabotage the entire sparkling glass dining table with my backwash and pre-warmed water in my mouth, but had the will-power to hold it back from my raging laughter that was trying to commence. This is how my parents show contempt to one another, shooting holes into the ozone layer. I say it's much better than suing one another. Because either way, money is going to end up with one of them.
Yesterday I got locked out of the house. My mom gave me the shitty garage door remote and told me to go in through the garage when I came home from school.
The remote doesn't fucking work when I came home from school. So I froze my ass off even further by walking all the way to the front door and banging on it, only to see her through the little window snoozing on the red couch.
Today was peachy. Still no fucking pizza party in art class. Instead we got an hour and a half of sitting around, walking around, and hurting around because the spanish fucks always hog the boombox and play their hearing removals.