So the art teacher is allowing us to bring our work home today. This is the hoochie coochie plaster dog that I've been talking about. Probably going to give it away, because it's fucking awesome.
The Jackson Pollack inspired splatter-shit-all-over-the-place painting. Webcams are shitty quality, so it looks shitty on here. It's perhaps my largest work ever made, bigger or the same size as the David Bowie pastel. No one liked the David Bowie pastel though.
This is Christina's version of Where's Waldo? While spritzing paint onto it, the paint brush spontaneously falls apart - brush head and handle dismantle from each other. So I just leave it there only to be layered on with more paint. Turned out to be cool. Find the stick! (not even I can find out where the stick is in this close-up)
Find the brush head!
Axl is on his way to completion. I got 11 points off my final grade for the class because it wasn't finished. Fuck you, I'll take as long as I fucking want to do my shit.
You can call it pornographic art, being that it's a giant pussy on canvas.
Holy shit, that's the biggest (and dirtiest) condom I have ever seen! No, it's just the garbage can from an aerial view.
It's snowing outside, and I had to drag the big ass painting home through that by foot. Can't see many flakes in the picture though. Man, I love you webcam inventor man. Whoever the hell you are.
Before my mom repainted my windowsill and walls a few years ago, it was practically completely yellow.
The guitar sits and gets older.
Every time someone posts a bunch of shit pictures, like above, aren't you curious what kind of fucking person did all that? Well, this time I'll cure your curiosity.
I haven't changed much.
Alright, I'll stop fucking around:
One good thing about webcams is that it covers all your blemishes.
"It often happens that I wake up at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the Pope."
- Pope John XXIII
My favorite thing to do during my spare time is skinning my neighbors' pet pomeranians and trading their fur to crack dealers in Newark.