Friday, January 21
Looks like Axl might go to an art show. It took me a fucking approximate forty-five minutes to scrape all of the excess black grout from the mosaic. It can't be entered because apparently the teacher wants it to be displayed along with the senior level projects and I am not a senior. So she's waiting for another show to come along and enter my pussy in it. I guess it brings me good luck. Axl, I owe you one.

This morning on the news they fittingly played "Ice Ice Baby" with the weather forecast. They crushed my hopes when the riff turned out to be Vanilla Ice instead of Queen and David Bowie. That stupid fuck with the crazy side-shaved head, he fucking stole their riff. No wonder no one liked him. He shunned the androgynous sex pot and that magnificent liatard Dame Olga.

The fucking desktop publishing teacher yelled at me in the middle of lecturing or some shit for spreading cream cheese on a bagel in class. What the fuck, I can't fucking help being hungry. She kept telling me to put it away immdediately and wrap it up. But how can I do that when there's a glob of cream and a knife sticking out of the goddamn thing? My plan was to finish spreading, take the knife out and wrap it up, which I proceeded to do. But no, the bitch keeps persistently yelling at me. So I leave it in front of my fucking face for the next half hour not touching it until she fucks off somewhere else. It totally distracted me from my work. No one can work when there's the smell of a bagel in front of your goddamn face.

Another culinary disappointment happened in art class, when the teacher announces that we weren't going to have the pizza party today. That pissed me off. I didn't eat as much in lunch, only to still not get any food.

So I made a mess at the sink and went home and cooked my own frozen fucking pizza.

And strawberry cheesecake ice cream afterwards. It was good.

The test in geometry was a pain in the ass. I hate when teachers make you fill out things when you don't want to. I handed it in with a short answer question blank, and the dude makes me go back and write some shit.

Lauren wants to take me to see Green Day. I rejected her offer, for I am not into Green Day. Even if they are box seats, I'm still not going.

There's a new layout here, another David Bowie one. I don't give a fuck if you can't read it, it looks cool. That's what highlighting is for.

I know I haven't been reading anyone's entries, and I don't plan on to either. Call me an asshole, call me a shitty LiveJournal or whatever friend, but I am indeed an asshole and a shitty friend.

And I'd like to stop this obsession with LiveJournal. It's killing my already low life.

Christina N. @ 8:26 PM