Wednesday, January 26
In english class, one of the groups had to perform a segment of the play that they were assigned for their presentation. But the main character, a girl, was absent. The teacher wants the group to perform it anyway and to find another person to play the absent girl's part. So she asks for a "pretty girl" to do it. She picks this ugly girl. Man, I'm serious. She ain't no looker. She was horrid looking. Short, fat, flat nose, crusty hair, filthy nasty crap. But there was still a narrator needed so the teacher keeps on asking other girls. The teacher also asked the girl sitting in front of me to be the narrator. She was pretty, but I was still kind of offended by the first choice and the fact that I was never even asked. It was probably that I really am nasty looking or if the teacher knew me well enough that I didn't want to be in that lame piece of shit skit anyway. It's still sad though that I now know that not even lesbians could think I'm hot.

You can't do shit when you keep seeing colors flying around, and no I didn't do shit. Something's wrong with me, and I ought to find out.

Oh yeah, and sort of a new layout. I edited the picture to look really fucking awesome in Photoshop but for some fucking reason, even if I didn't change the size while editing it, Photobucket goes ahead and fucking resizes my picture. So I have to stick with the crappy original version. Fuck you and your stupid fucking megabyte or making-pictures-ultra-more-sexy limits.

Since the word usage thing sucked, I'm going to say this sentence at the end of every entry just to see if that damn thing really works. Who is it to say that I never used the word "Axl" or "pussy" or "Gwar?"

I love Damien. Because Damien is the shit.

Hell, maybe I'll say it more than once.

I love Damien. Because Damien is the shit.

I love Damien. Because Damien is the shit!

And for your information Damien is a chick who lives far far away over the hills and far away who is probably reading this right now.

I love Damien. Because Damien is the shit.

Take that, you fucking "word usage" piece of dried up menstruation.

Christina N. @ 11:34 PM