Friday, December 31
Guess I'd make a post before the day ends. So I won't freak later on that I missed a day for my quest to create a record breaking journal of most consecutive posts.
My folks' party is going swell I guess. Asian karaoke music is very loud. Very bad singing is going on. So that equals a kick ass party. While I'm up here alone typing dumb shit while my belt is going to explode from excess pasta devouring. Some people couldn't make it, because one dude's wife hasn't come home for some reason and two other brothers have come down with a really bad flu. Sucks for them. I'm going through enough boredom and horniness, and lack of fulfillment/cure of that horniness too, while craving for some fucking chocolate.
God, I had so much shit to say earlier today, but I'm sorry kids, no funny shit for you today. Next year, I promise.
I'm currently waiting for Jay Leno to come on, for he apparently has some interesting guests tonight. Motley Crue and some other cool fucker whom I forgot.
Why the fuck is Green Day wearing white? Have they gone Axl from "Paradise City" or something? In other words, they're turning into pussies. I'm ashamed. Very ashamed. More ashamed than before.
The news doesn't fucking need to show credits.
I really feel like going somewhere right now. I haven't moved in such a fucking long time from this pleather green chair. The only reason I'm going to get up is to eat pasta and chicken. Perhaps a drink or two. No alcohol for me, I am forbidden to drink it. That sucks.