You are Sebastian Bach, former frontman of Skid Row. You have an almost angelic beauty about you, but your angelic persona quickly disappears as soon as you open your mouth - you curse like a sailor! You have a reputation for being a bad boy, but its just because you are highly opinionated and fiercely protective of your friends, family and loved ones, so you'll take it to blows to defend any of the above. While most people view you as a raging party animal, you are actually quite intelligent and enjoy engaging in intellectual and philosophical conversation with just about anyone who can keep up with you. Argumentation and debate are your strong points, you can argue any point you believe in to the death, and you always have to have the last word. You generate a lot of respect with your attempts to bring light to issues you feel strongly about through, through song or other creative outlets, however you'd generate even more respect if you learned to bite your tongue and curb that wicked temper once in a while!
"It often happens that I wake up at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the Pope."
- Pope John XXIII
My favorite thing to do during my spare time is skinning my neighbors' pet pomeranians and trading their fur to crack dealers in Newark.