Saturday, December 25
Don't you hate it when you're taking a shower and someone abrubtly opens the door and uses the can? And leaving a horrible nuclear explosion that's stronger than the very soap that you're utilizing to get the effect and smell on your body that is the exact opposite of what this person is dropping. My mom always does this to me, and her excuse is that I piss her off all the time so bad that this is her revenge. To bomb me in a situation where I can't get away. Today her daily dilemma was, "No more coconut cream pie for me..." with this grimace on her face, you should know why. This is the exact reason that I am never allowed to lock the door when I am in the bathroom. Every time she does this, I tell her to use the shitbowl in the basement. But the same excuses are always used: "I couldn't hold it in fast enough, so I had to go up here." or "I'm too lazy." Too lazy, my ass.

Even though today is Christmas, it was just any old day. Who gives a fuck anymore. We're asian, we're buddhist. We don't believe in Jesus. But, we do believe in partying.

Christina N. @ 10:18 PM