Thursday, December 9
Today was shitty. I knew it would be shitty. Just didn't know the happy streak was going to end so soon. They say life is unpredictable. Unpredictable, my ass.

So in drivers' ed this stupid latino fuck son of a bitch was really gettin' up my grill. His assigned seat is behind me, and he never shuts the fuck up. Never shuts the fuck up as in is constantly shaking my fucking chair with his fucking foot and tapping his pen on his fucking desk at the edge right behind my fucking fat head. It was excruciatingly uncomfortable, like a bad hump. Seriously, that's a sexual innuendo that does not turn me on at all. As a matter of fact, it turns me so fucking off that I didn't even think of masturbation or Izzy Stradlin all day after that.

There's so many of those smelly fucks everywhere. They stand in the middle of the hallway spreading their horrible cologne odors into my couture and spanking their stupid ho bitches' asses which are covered in plastic acid wash. They stand in the middle of the fucking aisles, not letting any, even stick skinny fuckers, to get to their seats. And they say the fucking stupidest shit and bring up the most pointless arguments with the teacher that are almost as pointless as trying to pursuade to me that Gwar is the greatest band in history and write better music than a Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones mutant.

Very ironically, as much as I make fun of Axl, I think I'm starting to grow a temper. I can just imagine myself in the future mooning some fucker with my bare ass just for cutting me off in the hallway or some shit like that. I felt like turning around and suckerpunching the stupid fuck sitting behind me in drivers' ed. I even imagined blood spurting out of his eye socket and nose, his cheekbone breaking and bending inward into his ugly fucking face, his jawbone dislocating and flying across the aisle, ripping through his other cheek. His teeth jamming into his trachea, suffocating him so he's squeezing his neck gasping for breath and falling to the floor and landing on his elbow, breaking that piece of shit too and the bone sticking out of his fucking ugly ass shit smelling cologne covered arm.

The last time I had a hissyfit was in seventh grade, when all of these supposed friends of mine were singing stupid fuck oompa loompa songs on a humid, hot, wet, cold, exhausted bus ride going home from some museum, who would never shut the fuck up no matter how much I bitched and how tired I was. I didn't hit anyone, but I started yelling and well you know, being angry. They never listened. They have no compassion whatsoever. I'm very glad I have lost touch with those dumb shits.

I listened to Nirvana this morning. It was fucking awesome. Haven't listened to them in ages. My old friends used to complain that all I listened to was Nirvana. What the fuck, it was nothing near an obsession. Considering that I don't [and didn't] know shit about them and only owned one album. And that album is the greatest hits.

There was a Pantera massacre. That's fucking bullshit.

There was a firedrill in first block. I didn't know where the hell my class was supposed to go so I just ditched them and went wherever the fuck I wanted and met Amanda. We didn't say much, because we didn't have much to say. And to this minute I still have no idea where the class was supposed to meet outside.

Surprisingly, no matter how much I bullshit in history, I manage to excel. I read fifty, if not less, pages of an over three-hundred page book and got a 99% on the major book review that was assigned with over two months to do and only wrote it in one night. 1% taken off due to a few grammatical and mechanical errors.

We're reading The Crucible in literature class. And my fucking god, is it boring. I had to work with this slut on a paper and she was being so bitchy. Not for something I did, but her ex or whoever the hell he was. It was annoying. Like I could give a fuck about people dying for false accusations of warty noses and green asses. Like I ever gave a fuck about anything.

Karla is still not talking to me. Nor is she talking to Lauren. Beats me why. And to tell you the truth, I'm just fine with that. As long as she's happy and doing well I'm not going to accuse any shit on her. If she doesn't like me or something, whatever, so be it. I'll live on. I'll find new friends. Or just friend. Or no friend, for that matter. People will be people, it's the way they are, and I can't change it. Humanity and human nature is always something that fascinates me, and I've come to peace with some things that other people still complain the fucking hell out of and they don't even recognize that they can't do shit about what they're complaining about.

Every time I listen to "1979" by The Smashing Pumpkins, I feel like sitting in the back of a car and contemplating. And perhaps shave my head.

I'm starting to really like Slander. Besides its difficulty to comprehend, it's ruthless and well, yeah I enjoy it. I didn't expect myself to actually get into these type of books. The type about politics and Matt Lauer. Two things that I hate very much.

Motley Crue is playing at Madison Square Garden on March 3rd. I MUST ask Lauren to get us box seats. Oh man, maybe even the platinum package for $400 each. Gotta meet the band, man.

Or maybe not.

But I can dream on. Dream on about Tommy Lee's dick.

Christina N. @ 5:59 PM