Wednesday, December 15
Alright so I'm trying to set a record for how many consecutive days I can post, despite my rush of trying to take a fucking shower, put all of my clothes away, and mail these Christmas cards.

I hate the fact that I had no pants to wear today so I wore a green sweater with red pants. Get the fucking idea, dipshit.

The fucking french teacher yelled at me for not pledging to the goddamn flag.

Nevermind what I said last year about the school's shitty breakfast burgers. They're good. Or maybe it's just the one that I ate last year that was shitty all by itself. Who knows.

Went to Shop Rite after school to buy more Christmas cards. I soon found myself in the liquor store, but seeming that I was carrying a backpack, I wouldn't pull it off. They didn't have beef jerky either. So I went right home and gave the extra two dollars back to my mom. So now I am definitely down to nothing.

My dad came home with these heart-shaped stress balls from work. They're the size and hardness of cold testicles. They're awesome.

I also just deleted and blocked a bunch of fucktards on my AIM buddy list. Some people just irritate the fuck out of me. It had to be done. If you still see me online, that means I didn't block you.

Christina N. @ 8:40 PM