Friday, December 24
While You Were Out marathon today. It's been heaven. But sadly this last one is one I'd already seen.
Why do they have to show such good television when I'm actually not going to be home? Fucking assholes. 100 Most Metal Moments marathon is on too. I really wish I had a portable DVD player that doubles as a portable television also.
I gotta take a fucking shower soon, yes, I am bathing on a weekend, and then go to my dad's friend's party. Those things fucking suck, because all the dudes get drunk and we can't go home until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Sometimes later. But the good thing and the reason that I'm going this time is, I get Christmas presents. Fucking hell yeah. I'm such an asshole like that, but that's the way I am.
My grandparents sent me twenty bucks, so now I'm up to $160 dollars to spend on whatever the fuck I want. And yesterday Monica gave me the same present that she gives me every year, twice a year, Christmas and my birthday, a notebook. She's a great friend, and I like the cute little notebook, but come on, it's about time she knew that I only doodle on furniture. And that all I ever write by hand is schoolwork.
I've still yet to put this Nirvana poster up. It's sexy.