Sunday, November 28
My goal in life is to go to Jack Rabbit Slim's and do the twist with a semi-fat man who's wearing a corny cowboy pendant.

That is, next to my goal of having hot steamy sex in a giant martini glass in Iowa overlooking a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert.

Just kidding, no Iowa and no Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The first time seeing Pulp Fiction didn't flatter me as much, but the more and more I watch it, the more and fucking more I love it. You see, it is much like heroin. This time while watching the dance scene, I fucking cracked up. A woman with ugly feet and a bloated country boy who once wore white leisure suits twisting their Axl fat and waving their Chewbacca feet really gets to me.

Christina N. @ 1:10 AM