Monday, November 22
Someone called me a whore in a passing car while walking home from school. This is starting to become a pattern. I think I should decide to pass my drivers' ed course then.

The report card came in the mail today. Not surprisingly I didn't do shit and passed every course of over-emphasized bullshit and in addition got on the merit roll. My mom said it was so-so but it's well fabulous enough for me. Alright, no one gives a fuck. Neither do I, so I'll shut the hell up. I mentioned it anyway because taking up space is one of my favorite hobbies besides dissing my beloved Axl the Bon Bon Rose.

Other than that, today was okay. They sold perogies at lunch and they tasted really damn fucking good. I hope they will keep selling them for a really long long goddamn time. This meal made my day.

I'm just not in the mood to say anything right now. And I know a lot of you are anxious for your own personal entries. Well send me some fucking food and I'll whip you up a book.

Christina N. @ 6:07 PM