Wednesday, November 10
A quarter of my face is numb and puffy. Thanks a lot, dental healthcare. Thank Jimmy Page I only had to get two fillings actually. But when the dentist injected my gums with that numbing shit, god did it hurt like all fucking hell. Pain induced to make you feel no pain. Ah the irony. Not ironicism. At least my entire jaw wasn't as big and puffy as a whoopee cushion like a couple years ago when I had to get four teeth pulled - two on top and two on the bottom. I couldn't drink water, it would just leak through my lips. Man did I look retarded when I was trying to eat chips. Anyway, the numbness gradually spread to the rest of the left side of my face. When I felt my eyelid not blinking correctly I knew something was fucked up.

My other dentist didn't use the numbing needle shit. And that time the appointment took fucking forever.

I happen to not mind needles at all. As a matter of fact, whenever I bleed I never really give a fuck. The only bad thing is the excessive bleeding, and when there's no bandaids around I get really annoyed at constanty covering it with a tissue. Then I eventually end up getting my blood all over the place for mosquitoes to have their orgies in. I would make a wonderful heroin addict.

Holy fucking shit, Aerosmith has some really god awful shitty songs.

Today went peacefully. Nothing extravagant. Like always.

I listened to Thin Lizzy's Fighting five times in a row.

And fucking adore John Lennon's version of "Stand By Me."

Last night didn't give a flying fuck about how beat I was and ditched the sleeping. Because I had to watch Behind the Music: Guns n' Roses for probably the eighth time. Maybe I'm going through some really pathetic emotional phase, my hormones are way off balance reaching to Beijing, or either I'm pregnant by some asshole I don't remember. When they got to the part when Izzy left I got really sad. And so did when they talked about Stevie. Talk about emotional distress and shitfulness.

Oh I made some icons in desktop publishing with Photoshop instead of working on my reflection paper crap. Stupid fuck pieces of computers wouldn't let me put them into the floppy disc. Or maybe it's my floppy disc. But if it's the computers, then I'm really fucking pissed. I swear I'll get them to my computer somehow. Along with the entire Photoshop program.

What's the fucking point of a preface in the beginning of a book and the fucking dipshit tells you the fucking ending of the book?! The preface in The Great Gatsby states Gatsby's death. Fucking shit, I happen to really like Jay Gatsby. Probably because he relates to me a lot and I have a tender spot for him. Oh well I'm a fucking dork but whatever.

Yeah I'm boring myself. I've got to admit, these past few entries really sucked, I don't know what's wrong with me. Besides the fact that I never really liked the song "Estranged." Maybe this is the end of my period of great writing. Haha well that sucks for you! I can just see it now, me going, "I hate my life I want to die. Nothing happened today. Someone threw candy at me. I walked home really fucking pissed."

No proofreading again. I bored myself that badly.

Christina N. @ 8:01 PM