Monday, November 29
I felt the worst feeling in the world today. No, I did not get raped up the ass by Cap'n Crunch. At the end of the day while walking to my locker, this dude, some latino bitch, he was running in the hallway yelling to his friend who was probably some cheap fake moled hoochie mamma, and while blurting out some obscene spanish remark, spit flies out of his mouth and lands on my knee. I was wearing ripped jeans. It was cold and foul.

Came to school late and didn't give a damn. I just went to first block to sleep in even more, the teacher doesn't care. The class was divided into four groups, each had to design a game for everyone to practice "Dr. Vandertramp" past-tense french verbs. My group went up. They didn't give me anything to do so I sat in the teacher's chair looking on at everyone's shitty attempts at at least understanding how the game went. Well I can't blame them, for I didn't understand it either.

In history we had to do an in-class essay. Easy shit.

We watched a Lifetime, a fucking Lifetime, Lifetime movie in drivers' ed. This woman (surprise surprise!) was talking on her cell phone while driving to work. She cuts this guy in a truck unintentionally. He gets real fucking pissed off and decides he's going to stalk her and then kill her. Along with her family and best friend. Lifetime is television for lesbians who are sad and are on menopause who enjoy taking Vagisil and douches that come in pink boxes whom they can't have children. Hm, I wonder why.

Lunch went swell. I need to work on my verbal skills and not speak with food in my mouth.

The literature class went to the library for a fucking research paper on a selected career we chose. How original of an assignment. It's due after Christmas break, so I did some internet shit, the same shit I do here at home, on the computer. And looked through this month's issue of Guitar Player. Not much interesting. Except for Johnny Ramone. Other than that, the featured article was the guitarist from The Donnas. I've got to admit, she's pretty good. Although the rest of her band sucks. Really sucks.

I am now discovering the world of Bob Dylan while eating Peanut Butter Crunch cereal. He has a whiny voice, but maybe it's just that in order to listen to his stuff you really have to listen to the words because he's actually telling long stories. It's not the kind of music you could just get high to and not listen to a damn thing.

My mom fell off a slipping ladder today. I felt really sorry. Yes, Christina feels sorry. She really didn't deserve it. She's been through so much bullshit and doesn't need two broken doors and a numerous amount of cuts on her body. The fucking contractors have been giving her so much shit and don't do a single fucking thing, no matter how much money we paid. She also has to make dinner and all of my shit that I need, along with the other two folks who live in this house. The bottom of the closet door in the hallway is kicked in, and the left edge of my door has pieces ripped off along with red marks from the ends of the ladder. The plank of wood on the wall that the hinges are screwed to is falling off. All because of the conctractors leaving the ladder up backwards leading up to the attic.

Christina N. @ 8:44 PM